Saturday, June 3, 2023

The Flavors of Brussels

 Wherever we travel we love to do a food tour with a local guide.  I convinced myself it must be 5:00 somewhere when we made a beer tasting stop around 11am.  Of course the beer was paired with bread and cheese so it was quickly absorbed.  Who ever heard of cherry beer??  It was delicious! 

Coupled with our food tour, our guide pointed out so many interesting spots.  Brussels is on the route of the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela and to mark the way these shells can be found along the street pavements.  As a matter of fact we saw a procession of men wearing cloaks with the shells on their lapels carrying the statue of St. Nicholas.

It was time for a lunch of fresh cod and a glass of light white wine.  We continued to walk this off until we came to the beautiful Royal Gallery of Saint Helen dating back to the 1800’s.  

I would classify the champagne truffles from Mary’s almost a delicacy!  A little factoid…every American president since daddy Bush has ordered chocolates from Mary when they come to the Capital of Europe, Brussels.  Mary will not reveal the exact favorite flavor however, but I will tell you that I bought the champagne ones to take home.

Now there are Belgian waffles and there are tourist Belgian waffles,  the dumb dumbs who buy them off the street fronts load them up with all sorts of junk, like syrup, cream, fruit, sprinkles, etc.  it is so gross.
To taste the true flavor of a Belgian waffle it should have a crispy edge of baked in caramel and be topped with powdered sugar only.  We shared one because if I eating a whole one was just too much after all we had tasted.  

They say if you are on a diet, do not come to Brussels.  So true!

Tomorrow we train it to Champagne!  I’m so excited!

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